Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Build Your Own Dreams

I'm really putting myself out there. I'm taking a BOLD leap of faith and going confidently in the direction of my dreams.
Growing up I seen many people in my family & neighborhood work at jobs that did not serve them. Jobs that did not speak of their true ability which in turn snowballed into endless problems (depression, mood swings, worry, doubt, sadness, etc.) I remember saying to myself I NEVER want to be like that. I never want to work at a job to "just be making it" "just getting by". This was before the world taught me there are real things called bills, judgement, racism and some many other evil things in this wold. This was the innocence adolescent who crawled into my Grandmother's bed during a thunderstorm. By the time I became a teenager my positive and optimistic spirit was fading fast. My dreams of acting became just dreams and the thought of survival meant I had to work a mindless job that did not serve me.

Now at the ripe age of 25 I have come back to my senses. Who said your dreams can't come true? Who said your life has to be behind a desk, shuffling papers you really don't care about or folding the same piece of clothing in someones department store? I refuse to build someones dream. It's time to work on mine!

Join me on my journey to become a professional working actress.

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